name: Veracruz Orizaba Nahuatl Endangered Language summary: Audio corpus of Orizaba (Veracruz) Nahuatl speech (Glottocode: oriz1235; ISO 639-3: nlv) category: speech license: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) file: info.pdf Document with information about this corpus file: Speech data of Veracruz Orizaba Nahuatl, recorded in 48kHz, 16-bit file: Veracruz-Orizaba-Nahuat_Collaborators.txt List of all native speaker collaborators for this corpus file: Veracruz-Orizaba-Nahuatl_File-list.txt List of all filenames with duration file: Plant-observations_Veracruz.csv List of all plant observations with observation number, family, scientific name, date collected, name of person who identified the plant file: Plant-Labels_Tequila-Orizaba-ethnobotanical-field-trip_2023-10-22.pdf Labels for the 81 plant observations the audio of which is included in this corpus